jueves, noviembre 29, 2007

Blu-Ray liderea en Europa

Gracias a las ventas del PS3, el Blu-Ray se mantiene a la cabeza.

Video gaming isn't the only industry with a struggle for format dominance right now--next-generation movies are also fighting their own battle, with HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc currently squaring off.
Blu-ray Disc is the format favoured by companies including Panasonic and Sony, and is also used in the PlayStation 3 console. HD DVD, on the other hand, boasts backers including Microsoft, Paramount Studios, and Toshiba.
The two have been locked in a self-declared stalemate for some time, although Blu-ray seems to be dominating the European market--at least for now. According to Media Control Gfk International, 73 percent of next-generation movies bought by European consumers were on Blu-ray, and 27 percent on HD DVD.
The Blu-ray Disc Association European Promotions Committee would also like to point out that one million Blu-ray movies have now been sold in Europe--and when combined with games, the total number skyrockets to 21 million Blu-ray units.
The week ending November 4 was the best-ever week for the format, with the release of 300, Spider-Man 3, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, and the latest Die Hard film seeing sales reach 66,000 units. The best-selling Blu-ray titles to date are Casino Royale and 300, the latter of which is also available on HD DVD.

Fuente: Gamespot

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